Crude and Boring
8 January 2021
Credited for saving innocent people from a satanic cult "Pervo the clown" (Warren Speed) has gained fame and fortune by capitalizing on it. However, as time passes he eventually discovers that fame is fleeting and that his excessive spending has left him impoverished. As a result, debt collectors soon come after him with one particular escort service determined to kill him as a lesson to others who refuse to pay their debts. However, in order to do that they will have to compete with a family member from the same satanic cult by the name of "Octavia Zander" (Caroline Elyssia) who is not only out for revenge but also wants to create a zombie apocalypse as well. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that I didn't expect much from this movie and as a result wasn't too disappointed by the fact that it was as bad as its predecessor in that its main appeal is to a select audience who apparently believes that being crude is synonymous to being funny. Fortunately, I don't share that view and having seen the film found it to be more boring than anything else. Avoid if at all possible.
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