Review of Equinox

Equinox (2020)
Picnic at Boredom Rock
8 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There is hardly any original content in the plot of this Danish remake of Australia´s "Picnic at Hanging Rock" mixed with all the failures of a more recent production, "Midsomar". Now, that Australian movie and also the series would annoy viewers with their slow, mesmerzing style of storytelling, but at least both were very competently made, were driven by strong characterisations and tried to get a point across.

The only point of "Equinox" seems to be, that life as a teenager pretty much s*cks 24/7, especially if you are the victim of dreadfully bad parenting, and fancy rituals or to dabble into the occult doesnt help much, either (surprise surprise!).

While it all started out very intense and interesting,the whole story got lost into repetitive re-tellings of everybodys bad childhood, pointless but equally sad side stories and characters, with the true mystery behind it all explained pretty quickly, but also in a quite unsatisfying, throw-away style.

As the two protagonists, the doomed sisters, are very flat and unlikeable characters (one is pretty, blonde and unhappy all the time, the other one is nothing but a nervous, very self-centered wreck), it seemed quite fitting that in the end they could find their "happiness" (?) in the arms of some weird, blurry Celtic God. Whatever they may find there, it all reminded me too much of another equally drab, superficial and longwinded waste of time, Midsomar.
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