Divorce Court (1999– )
Divorce Court rocks!
12 January 2021
I love watching Divorce Court. It has been my favourite show since I was a little boy. I loved when Judge Mablean Ephriam hosted this back when it used to air on my local UPN station from 2004 until 2006. I also liked when Judge Lynn Toler hosted it because she was so cool & I loved how she was able to provide wisdom & advice for couples. She was why I love watching it. I liked seeing Judge Faith Jenkins in it as well. I also liked watching the 20th Television logo at the end of it until 2019 when Greedy Disney bought it (20th Television) & as a result of this, something called "Fox First Run" had to produce the series. I especially liked hearing Joe Catalano say either "All Rise. Court is now in session. Judge Mablean Ephriam presiding. You may be seated" or "All Rise. Court is now in session. The Honorable Judge Lynn Toler presiding. You may be seated". I also liked when Nick said "Divorce Court is now in session. The Honorable Judge Lynn Toler presiding". It was also nice when Juan Bustamante said "Court is now in session. The Honorable Judge Faith Jenkins presiding." I just wish that I could be able to watch as much episodes of this show as possible. The show rocks even more now that Star Jones from "The View" is the judge & I love how she hosts it especially with the same levels of fairness, sternness, motherly wisdom & intelligence her predecessors had alongside her unique sassiness & quick wit. I especially loved how she told one dude off when he had the nerve to insult his girlfriend whilst telling his side of the case to her (Judge Star).

Overall, Divorce Court is a great show & I love it very much.
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