Another funny Stephen Chow movie...
13 January 2021
I had the chance to sit down to watch the 1991 Hong Kong action comedy "Fight Back to School" (aka "To hok wai lung") here in 2021. I hadn't even heard about the movie prior to now, although I am quite familiar with Stephen Chow.

I will say that "Fight Back to School" was indeed an entertaining movie, albeit a little bit on the generic side as for the storyline. But it was a watchable and enjoyable movie, nonetheless.

The storyline told in "Fight Back to School" is about an adult police officer having to go undercover at a local high school in order to retrieve his boss's lost pistol. But life in high school is not as easy as one would think.

There are a good amount of laughs in the movie, and this is definitely an archetypical Stephen Chow movie. So if you enjoy his movies, then you know what you are in for here, and he doesn't disappoint with this 1991 movie.

While this movie had a cast of mostly unfamiliar faces for me, and I am a big fan of the Hong Kong cinema, I will say that the cast for the movie were doing good jobs with their given roles and characters.

"Fight Back to School" is actually an archetypical Hong Kong action comedy, of which they spewed out similar movies by the dozens back in the early 1991, so there is a good sense of familiarity if you enjoy those particular movies from that era.

This was a wholesome movie, entertaining and enjoyable. My rating for "Fight Back to School" is a six out of ten stars.
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