I Hate Suzie (2020– )
Suzie runs the Gamut of Emotions on the Road to Acceptance
15 January 2021
That these kind of things happen most often to women is telling. The show bares the expectations and constraints put on women, whether rich or poor, famous or ordinary, it doesn't matter. Even today, there are still double standards-from without and from within. But then we see we are all affected by similar expectations, real or imaginary, from others and ourselves. How we react determines our paths and the paths of those in our orbits. I was gripped by the first episode, watching the incomparable Billie Piper, as Suzie, react as her whole world crashes down about her in an instant as a poor choice is made public. Her expressions are masterful. It made me feel every bad decision I've made in my life. We've seen these sort of occurrences in the media before. At times we sympathize with the public figure; at other times, we "hate" them. To feel something, we have to see ourselves in the character. Well, there is as much to like in Suzie as to dislike. In her unraveling, we are confronted by our own. The darkest moments reveal our mettle, and it's up to you to decide if Suzie has enough of her own to find her way from the darkness. For me, there were moments when I hated Suzie and moments when I loved her. She could be confounding, baleful, and petty. She could also be assuring, loving, and generous, in essence...human.
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