Fun, tricks and a perfect musical break for depression era
16 January 2021
Gold Diggers Of 1933 (1933) : Brief Review -

Fun, tricks and a perfect musical break for depression era. Gold Diggers Of 1933 is nothing out of the box musical neither it is great in mainstream terms but yes it has its own moments and own identity to follow. A rich composer rescues unemployed Broadway performers with a new play because he's in love with one of the girl. His brother and lawyer are tricked by two smart girls while trying to break off his love affair. Well, here's everything about the storyline and there's nothing much more than that except for it has a socially dramatic musical sequence at the end. Then what's so special about it to be called a good film? So, it's the structure of the film. First 20 minutes, just introduction nothing else. Then next 20 minutes we have something cooking up and then it takes top gear for next 55 minutes. Well, it was little late to put the top gear but fortunately it works even after the half runtime is past when one does not expect a fresh start. So this structure is nicely built by the director, first comes fun then tricks then musical and then grand finale with a patriotic touch. Williams and Blondell's chemistry is cute, Aline MacMahon gets the best part to play and Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell are adorable. Ginger Rogers didn't get much to do and it was shocking whereas Guy Kibbee was fun. The musical numbers are slow but melodious and are definitely watchable because of visual appeal. That's why technical team deserves a lot of credit. Mervyn LeRoy and Busby Berkeley set this chaos nicely despite having less runtime in hands. Many important things happen too quickly in the film which deserved a little extra time. It lost too much time in that slow start which could have been proved useful here but anyways overall it's a watchable material and that's enough.

RATING - 6.5/10*

By - #samthebestest
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