A sequel nobody should have wanted - and it is still not over
23 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Bauernprinzessin II - Kopf oder Herz", which means "Farm Princess II - Head or Heart" (cringe is real already with this title), is a co-production between Austria and Germany in the German language. This is a sequel to a movie from three years earlier as you can see from the "II" in the title. Director is again Susanne Zanke at the end of her career almost and the writer is once again Susanne Rasser, who has never worked on anything else film-related other than these movies. Which is probably a good thing. Oh yeah, and Zanke is also credited as a writer this time. The running time is once again under 1.5 hours. The cast once more includes Sissi Wolf playing the key character and supporting players here are Knizka, Halmer and Mangold, although you can probably make an argument for Knizka being lead as well. They got all the major cast members back from the first film and there are not really any new inclusions. Those who returned ought to be ashamed though because by then there was not a valied excuse anymore. They must have known how terrible the first film was and this one here is not any better. I willonce again do some brainstroming abbout specific scenes and moments that stayed especially in the mind for me and for all of them the reasons were almost entirely negative. It may cound harsh, but this is a really weak film. And even more shameful that this is still on national television almost 15 years now after its initial release. And what's even worse is that they made a third film. That was not on today though. Luckily. One "Bauernprinzessin" film would have been one too many. The pseudo important stuff continues here with quotes like running away (why would he even at this point) unexpectedly is as bad as showing up unexpectedly.

The film already starts on a bit of a low note with the scene of the three women in the car singing and showing us their harmoney. Or shoving it into our faces you could say too. At least, lead actress Sissi Wolf looks more attractive than hín the first film, maybe because of the different hair. Not too attractive either though. But at least it is remotely believable now that she would be with the fairly handsome Knizka. Or that he is with her I should say. So yes, Bogdan is back in town. Why? Because love prevails obviously. Who cares if he did not send a card or anything the way he would have in reality if he really cared. But he is not the biggest problem here initially. The biggest joke is that we are supposed Anna is with Gerhard now and there was zero romantic interest from her side in the first film, so how did that happen? Please don't say it is all about the business relationship that turned into affection. Oh and this time we don't get cute goats to distract from the abysmal writing, but a baby kitten on one occasion. Great idea too to feet her with all this food for humans. Real animals lovers we got here also with these scampi references at the end. So our Anna is still an independent woman fighting for the good cause as we see when she agrees to have a group of struggling teens at her place. Of course she does. She is not so social though when it comes to Gerhard and she keeps pushing him away when he tries to get physical with her. She is too good for him anyway, so he must have deal with it when she says she is too tired. The man should be grateful anyway that she gives him an apology and explanation. I hope you are getting the irony here. If it was the other way around, it would be totally unacceptable. And the woman has the right to fall for somebody else if her partner does not want her sexually anymore. I applaud every female who sees through this travesty we got here.

Luckily, handsome Bogdan is back to give Anna what she needs. He also gets slapped in the face right away, but he has to accept it to have her. And who cares, if she is with another man because Bogdan gets a passionate hug right away. And what happens next? That's right: The two have sex the following night. This is getting better and better. Who cares if Anna is a cold-blooded cheater, she is still a really likabble protagonist, isn't she. In the first film already she was not exactly faithful, but this is taking things really to the next level. Shameful stuff. For me, she was an antagonist here. Nothing else. Grandma is of course also giving her great judgment again by looking in an evil manner at the guy who actually likes Anna and giving a bright smile to the other one, the man who left her for years. So Granny definitely would approve of Anna Gerhard away again as if he did something wrong. And what is Bogdan doing in the meantime? That's right, he starts working at the farm again without being asked and happily lies to Gerhard with Anna's approval as they don't mention the sex. Oh she is so kind that she does not hurt Gerhard. This is all that happens early on. Anna's mother is pretty much out of the movie for the first 20 minutes. But the time was needed for the elaboration on Anna and her men. That much is safe. Also how dare Gerhard say he will end the business relationship if Anna starts something with Bogdan again. Blackmail! Outrageous! Snna is a victim of the situation again without having done anything wrong. Cough. It also became very obvious here that lead actress Sissi Wolf does not have much talent or versatility. The fact that I did not know her before this film certainly is absolutely not my loss. For once, no irony. It is pretty embarrassing though that her name is Sissi because she does not have 1% of Romy Schneider's aura. The opposite is the case.

But back to the story: Anna of course is also not happy that Bogdan had other women when he was gone, but how dare he. I mean it's oaky if she starts dating her boyfriend's brother of all people, but nobody else is allowed to do something like that. Man, this is such an uninspired movie. The first film was already so terrible with the idea that her partner wants to move away with her, wants her to leave the countryside, but they did not even try to come up wth a new story. The only difference now is that the guy who made her stay in the first film is now the one who wants to take her with him. Unreal. Utterly uncreative. And they also did not only screw up with the key characters, but also with the mother I mentioned a little earlier. When she is for once seen again, she is randomly sitting in a restaurant with a male suitor (we get no explanation where that came from) . Of course, the man is needy and wants to be close(r) with her, but she pushed him away (it's again nly okay if women do it, the other way around he would be an ungrateful and undeserving narcissist) because she is an independent woman too and has other priorities. Who cares that the guy is far more attractive than her too? Holy moly, they really got it all wrong in their attempts to depict strong female characters here. Honestly, they could not have gotten it any more wrong. All of it. Back to Bogdan for a few words: What did he do when he was gone? Well, he may have been a farm boy, but now he was working at the International Court of Justice as an interpreter or something. Yeah right, within three years? And despite his accent? I don't even. But no matter how successful he may be, he will always have to deal with Anna giving him femina errr. feminist speeches after sex. Sigh.

For more pseudo drama, we have granny fall down the stairs then. The build-up there was exactly how you'd expect from a film like this with the lights going dark and her shrugging her shoulders and going further down the stairs. Actually, this was depicted just as poorly as the old man's death in the first film. 100% pseudo drama without authenticity and all for story purposes. Nothing explicit or graphic, but 100% cringe, but at least Bogdan can carry her around again now, like how she says that Knizka's character can carry her to bed now. The fact that Halmer's character (not a spring chicken either) just did and that he is her son is immediately forgotten. And what is Anna doing in the meantime? Lashing out at Gerhard for being nice to a female friend. Let me remember you: Anna has been sleeping around for a long time already. But while Anna is struggling with the guys, the argument between her and said female friend is forgotten immediately and the two bond right away two minutes later. Women are gods in these movies. The lengthy conflicts must always involve men. And don't even get me started on how Anna/Sissi goes from being teared-up to joyful laughter. Terribly written and acted. Unwatchable. In this scene, there were still doubts which man she could pick, which was a good thing, but this did not last long either. Be with the guy who spontaneously left you for half a decade. Go for it. Enjoy further humiliation. Cool ladybug pajamas though. Oh yes and then there is the scene with the rope and the teens I mentioned early on. What was that. Roman jumps on the rope and shows us he is a real man. The scene was bad already, but the talk between Anna and the group leader was even worse ("he is priceless"). So now Knizka is supposed to sacrifice his awesome career to work on the countryside? Of course. Or the revelation from Mangold's character? And the tears? And how they make up? Or the "I belong here" "and I must go" between our lovebirds? Such a poor delivery. In the end, the situation is exactly the way it was before the film. The ending was worse than a happy ending, no matter where they would have stayed together. This is all nonsense. Do not watch this film under any circumstance. Ugh for the third.
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