Some great dance numbers...though it could have used less singing.
31 January 2021
The plot to "Small Town Girl" is very sweet...and I enjoyed it. The dancing to "Small Town Girl" is amazing...and I marveled at it. But the film simply had too much in the way of singing that I found it, after a while, to be a bit exhausting.

The story is set, naturally, in a small town. A rich and entitled jerk (Farley Granger) goes speeding through the neighborhood in his car and is caught and brought before the judge (Robert Keith). Amazingly, Richard is NOT contrite and acts very haughty and entitled....and as a result he's sentenced to 30 days in jail. What's next? See the film.

The two dance numbers that simply blew me away was Ann Miller dancing among musical instruments where the bodies and heads of the performers are hidden. It's really hard to describe...you just need to see it. The other, and even more amazing scene is where Bobby Van is hop-dancing...again, it's hard to describe but you have to see it. Add to that Cuddles Sakal as well as Nat King Cole (as himself) and these alone are reasons to watch the film....even if the songs are a bit too many and not exactly memorable.
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