Original story, mediocre execution
1 February 2021
The story is quite interesting about a growing problem in the world, overpopulation. Not very well thought out in terms of the world they created but I'm sure that's also budget related.

Generally It was a well done and tense movie to watch. Too bad there were some confusing fighting sequences, there were some odd cuts now and then. It was mixed with very strong moments, but usually followed with something obvious and unnecessary that kind of killed the impact. Really a missed opportunity. They really had a mix of rough, realistic and original with very cliche and somewhat predictable approach. That made It never really lift It to a the unique and raw experience It could have been.

Also I got quite annoyed with the over-acting of Naomi Rapace. It was all a bit too much and too swingy. In her defence, It's quite hard to act without pretty much any real actors against you. So that may have been a reason for It too. But no, It really brought down the experience for me.
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