ray milland is Drummond
12 February 2021
Ray Milland is detective Captain Drummond. while driving, a woman jumps in front of his car, but when he stops to help her, she drives off with his car! tracking her down, the running gag here is that his friend Algy (Reginald Denny) is waiting for his newborn child to arrive, and Drummond drags him away to assist. Heather Angel is Phyllis, who keeps appearing in Drummond's life. he's sure Phyllis is being held against her will by kidnappers, but of course, he keeps running into roadblocks. Angel would play in five of the Bulldog Drummond films! and the Inspector from Scotland Yard keeps locking up Drummond... you'd think he would be more interested in locking up the real crooks. directed by Jim Hogan, who directed five of them. Bulldog Drummond was invented by writer Herman McNeile. died young at 48, of cancer. possible from gas poisoning during the war. the sound and picture are pretty rough, since it's been out of copyright for a LONG time. and the storyline creaks a bit too. most of the film, they are just trying to get out of the house while the "bad guys" chase after them. this one is a shortie from Paramount. thankfully, it only goes 67 minutes. on Film Detective streaming channel, which explains why they are showing the (crummy) copy that is in public domain.
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