Extremely Disappointing
13 March 2021
This film essentially revolves around a special type of human known as "Ajin" who have the ability to regenerate back to life after being killed. So in that context they are basically indestructible super-humans. Although this is a relatively new discovery the news of their existence has become known throughout the world but the fact that they are so few in number doesn't especially alarm anyone in particular. It does, however, fascinate some scientists in Japan who then covertly capture one by the name of "Kei Nagai" (Takeru Satoh) and proceed to brutally experiment on him in a most sadistic manner. However, when news of this is leaked to a leading member of the Ajin species named "Sato" (Go Ayano) he immediately takes matters into his own hands and frees Kei through extremely violent methods. Upon doing so, however, he becomes very displeased to learn that Kei doesn't share his psychotic feelings towards other human beings and the two of them become locked in a fight to the death-if that is even possible-from that point on. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that I was extremely disappointed in this film in that it was nothing more than a series of almost identical actions scenes repeated over and over and over again. There was no real plot, no substantive character development, a superficial script and the acting was rather poor as well. In short, it was all action and CGI. That being said, while this movie might satisfy some viewers who put a high premium on films of this type, I found it to be almost excruciating to watch and I have rated it accordingly.
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