The movie of which most viewers alive today will be reminded by LEON MORIN, PRIEST . . .
26 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . doubtless is ACE VENTURA: PET DETECTIVE. While it's true that the plot of LEON MORIN is a lot more abstract, perplexing and complicated than the straight forward approach utilized in the later 1994 offering, Leon's gender-bending proclivity to brush up against lady parishioners in His sanctuary is enough to make Ray Finkle proud. While the German storm troopers berated by the local urchins provide a tamer milieu for Father Leon than the cut-throat Miami Dolphins surrounding ACE, they do enforce a noise ordinance violation against the padre when they first come to town. It's true that some revisionists have accused Ray's PET DETECTIVE character of being a demeaning caricature of America's endangered gender community. However, the perverse Roman cultists using sticks, rods and branches for excitement and companionship are far more frightening and jaw-dropping than even ACE's shenanigans in THE MASK.
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