China Clipper (1936)
"China Clipper Calling Alameda"
26 April 2021
This film essentially begins right after Charles Lindburgh's successful flight from New York to Paris after which an enterprising pilot by the name of "Dave Logan" (Pat O'Brien) comes up with the idea of building an airline which can deliver mail, cargo and eventually passengers from Miami to Havana. It's during this time, however, that his ambition gets the better of him and he not only alienates himself from his friends but he also loses his wife "Jean Logan" (Beverly Roberts) in the process. Yet rather than stepping back to reconsider his approach he doubles down and becomes totally obsessed with expanding his new airline even further. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was an okay film for the most part but the plot relied too heavily upon creating drama between Dave Logan and everyone around him and it got rather annoying after a while. Admittedly, I thought Pat O'Brien--and to a limited extent both Humphrey Bogart (as "Hap Stuart") and the aforementioned Beverly Roberts--acquitted themselves quite well but even so the previously mentioned drama seemed a bit too contrived and for that reason I have rated this film accordingly. Average.
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