Review of Nemesis

Nemesis (1992)
Did I miss something?
29 April 2021
This film proceeds as though it's a sequel to something or like several scenes are missing. And speaking of scenes: That's all this movie is, a bunch of scenes stitched together as though the film was edited by someone who didn't know the script or the story at all and they just put the scenes in whatever order they thought made the most sense. This film plays like a Sparknotes of whatever movie they were going for. Maybe I've missed something.

There is some minimally decent FX in places, and there are a few nice shots, but that's it in the plus column. The WIGS are tragic! As is the one woman's breast job, except it's both obvious and tragic. Yikes. The acting is as expected for this kind of film. And the protagonist is utterly unlikeable and seems like he should be the villain. I guess they were going for a JCVD type of role, but JCVD had the martial arts skills, the looks, and the ability to emote and be empathized with. He might not be the best actor, but he had a big career for a reason.

Honestly, overall, the movie reminds me of an early 90s techno thriller anime, except so much of it takes place in bright daylight. It has that same gratuitous nudity/sex, flashy violence, a childish idea of coolness, inflated machismo, sexism, simplistic plot, etc. In fact, the opening plays like an opening of an A. D. Police or Parasite Dolls (set in the same universe) episode, except it had more than one tough female characters and this film isn't entertaining.
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