Crime, Inc. (1945)
DON'T read the Storyline on IMDB...
3 May 2021
Considering that this film is from tiny PRC, you'd expect it to be complete crap. However, it's a rare case where this B-movie production company actually made a pretty dandy film. I can only assume it was by accident judging by most PRC films!

The story is about a town riddled with organized crime. The problem is so bad that even many in the police department are working for the mob. But reporter Jim Riley (Tom Neal) has an inside source. It seems he's dating the sister of a crook who hates this mob and he feeds Jim information. Unfortunately, the man is eventually discovered and killed. Does the town have any chance for rooting out these criminals and what role will Jim have in all this?

The cast for this has a lot of decent character actors, such as Lionel Atwill, Grant Mitchell, Leo Carillo and more. This is unusual for PRC as is the competent writing. Well worth seeing.

If you want to see this film, the worst thing you can do is read IMDB's Storyline section, as it divulges WHO the criminal masterminds are! This is unusual and weird.
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