Not bad but a bit messy
11 May 2021
Watching this film was an odd experience. On several occasions I felt bored and started to fast forward a bit. But each time I did I found myself engaged in it again. The problem is there is a lot going on in this film, and while it's not particularly confusing it is overly complicated for a film that should be good fun. It's a mix of horror, comedy, drama and fantasy. There are a number of storylines running concurrently and while none of them are bad, they all have moments where they get a bit dull. So you switch from a really exciting scene in one story to a slow plodding scene in another, and it gets a bit irritating. The acting is all decent. This is the second Maggie Q film I've seen in recent weeks and both were mystery / horror affairs set in exotic locations. And while neither film is great, I've found her very watchable.

At times this film has some good twists, turns and surprises but it's one of those films that, as it gets closer to the end, its twists come in thick and fast. Every five minutes the story seems to get turned on its head. Some twists are good, others just feel forced.

The film does tie every storyline up in a reasonably satisfying way, but overall this feels like a missed opportunity. It's a good idea, it's well made, but it's just a bit too messy and complicated when it could have been a little simpler and therefore a bit more fun. It's worth a look, and the 4.9 rating on imdb seems harsh, but only a little. With perhaps one less story thread this could have been a 7/10.
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