Barb Wire (1996)
Just a good action movie
11 May 2021
Firstly, I give 8/10 in regards to action movies. What do you want in an action film? Actors who act like they own the place, a plot that holds together, explosions, fight scenes, and if you can get some sexy stuff, then that's a plus. This movie has all of this.

People say Pam doesn't act well in this? Do the same people give good grades to films with Steven Seagal or J. C. V. D? Let's be honest, I love Stalone and Schwarzennger, but we can't say Schwarzzy acts better in Terminator, Conan, or most of his movies.

The only reason why people criticized this film, and Pam's acting, is PURE SEXISM. People are willing to accept that Rambo can take on half the soviet army with only a bow and a handful of grenades in the afghan desert, but people aren't willing to accept that a gorgeous big breasted blonde would be able to tear them a new one, ride a motor cycle while shooting down 50 guys, and screw over the whole legal and criminal establishment.

I think this is the only reason why this movie has such a bad mark on here, and why it was so badly received. Pure sexism. In 1996, people were not willing to accept a woman as an action movie star.

By all means, I found it more fun to watch than Predator. Half of predator was just watching big muscle men crawling in the jungle, acting all tough. Here you have stuff happening. Could there have been more gunfights? Hell yes. Could there have been more Pam kicking ass? By all means yes - you can't have enough Pam kicking ass. Does the ending get to be a bit cliché? Yes.

I liked this movie more than the average action film, not just because I think Barb Wire is a great character, and Pam does her super well. I liked that this movie had ambiance. Filthy streets, crummy buildings; something between sci-fi and Film noir. Ambiance is very important for me when I watch a movie, and this one has it. Finally, YES, I did enjoy all the crude nudity, sexy lingerie, and so one - though I enjoyed all this while the movie set badass empowering female characters.

I think there is still time to make a series of these - I would gladly watch the next ones in the movie theatres.
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