Dull with an uncomfortable underlying atmosphere.
14 May 2021
Didn't really work for me. Opening scene was the best part, even though it was really hard to make out the dialogue, (a theme persisting throughout).

Unfortunately after the promising opener it slid rapidly down dull hill, despite the one redeeming feature of some nice eye candy with the lead actor especially, however that didn't distract from the uncomfortable underlying atmosphere (not helped by the dark incidental music) soon making its presence felt despite it being a supposedly celebratory birthday party.

I turned it off after bearing 30 minutes of action (or should I say very much lack of action, as all events just seem to unfold around the family pool) with the increasing feeling it would cumulate in an awkward coming out scene and no doubt emotional conflict from the disapproving Christians.

A few week attempts at trying to be arty with the cinematography was not enough to distract from the overall amateurish cringeworthy American soap opera feel complete with perfect bodies, perfect smiles on perfectly mediocre actors.

If you're expecting a heartwarming, feel good coming out story, emphasis on "story" with some varied locations thrown in to add variety then best to look elsewhere!
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