As Luck Would Have It (2021 TV Movie)
Better than I expected
22 May 2021
This movie seems like it will use the premise of a company sending a woman to do a hatchet job on a small community, in this case by convincing them to tear down their beloved castle. Yes it is a terrible idea but it fits the mold of so many other movies in the same genre. Then of course something would keep that woman in town so she can fall in love with some local hunk. This movie did it in a slightly different way than usual. It was also more realistic than most that follow this premise in that the woman sent to pitch the locals actually goes about it with tact and charm. So many movies that follow this premise have the executive be arrogant and closed minded.

It did set me back a little in enjoyment when the local hunk, Brennan, sets his mind to chase Lindsey away by playing cruel tricks on her as she tries to immerse herself in the local culture. He's the one that's arrogant and closed minded.

Romantically, the ending is predictable, but then this is Hallmark and the world would cease to revolve if there weren't that kind of ending. But I found the way things worked out business-wise was a little different from the norm.

Johanna Garcia Swisher was charming and beautiful. She had great chemistry with Allen Leech once he stopped mistreating her. Watching their characters get to know each other was one of the highpoints of the movie, but still second to the amazing scenery. It made me sad that I missed a chance to go there a few years ago.
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