99 Songs (2019)
Loopy music with a loopy screenplay
23 May 2021
A tune goes forward behind a scene which abruptly continues from a suspense. We dont know why that happened, 5-10 minutes later the reason for the event unfolds and people who keenly listen to the music can only understand that the same melody plays with a different orchestration. This trend is spread over all through the movie. The movie has many such occasions. Dont ask me where. Watch again if you didnt listen. It is a brilliant movie.

I would rate one mark lesser than 10 for having too many such loops.

In general, people who notice your own life can feel, life takes us back and forth, it is not always linear, such is this beautiful movie and the music that keeps flowing. Ebbs and bounds. Life is a musical, me being a pass-and-fail musician.
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