Review of H

H (2002)
"Echoes of the Abyss": utterly reprehensible, offensive storyline, hunt for serial killer, been seen all before, waste of time.
28 May 2021
An reprehensible and - if you are honest, utterly disgusting, offensive - storyline* to drive an 'ohh, I didn't see that coming' closing twist of, if not straight plagiarism, then, a variation, version of 'The Silence of the Lambs' ilk: at minimum, done / seen it all before.

However, in the usual what can I get out of this otherwise waste of time, could be in contrast to how women are considered and treated to drive this thoroughly nasty, offensive plotline* to its main character dynamics, you do then get an against (Korean especially) type, moody, laconic, strong - (she clocks the hero full square on the jaw at one stage!) - female partner cop (Jung-ah Yum at detective (no less) 'Kim Mi Yun'); Plus you can have 'fun' wondering at what passes for surely completely absurd, preposterous 'policing investigation procedures' in Korea! (e.g. In suspect in pursuit car chases and, especially so, how to interview so notoriously nasty / dangerous, he's up for execution, incarcerated convicted murderer interviews!)

In what is otherwise (have I said, got across?) an appallingly sickening serial killer reasoning*, the sheer revoltingness of it all was barely marginally leavened by it amused me that in at least two incidences, the 'investigating' hero cop (Jim-he Ji as partner, but new to the job, cop, Kang-Tae Hyun) surveying the crime scenes before him, in one case looks all about him for a good few seconds before noticing TWO women's bodies - one directly in front of him on a table! And then, at which he then goes on to most professionally cop-like manically destroy the crime scene evidence! - and in another suspect location swoop, at first completely overlooks a suspicious red pool on the floor so much that he steps in it!

Oh, and - (perhaps) - the - ONLY - 'best' bit is the 'gory' / madman artworks shown at the latterly discovered baddy's lair (pity can't locate specific 'artist' credit for that alone - but, possibly a Chi-woo Lee as 'set designer'?) - although even there i.e., yup, not only variation on afore-referenced (inspiration?) film's butterfly collection, but in any case, many other film plots nowadays, too.

Basically, this is a useless film, trumped up as redeemable by a worthwhile 'oh I didn't see that coming' shocking surprise ending, predicated on one the worst misogynistic premises* it's ever been my misfortune to have to sit through and pretend somewhere in this, somehow, some way, is even remotely considered 'entertainment'.


* so, quite frankly, no kudos, but rather utter shame on scriptwriter Jong-hyeok Lee!

On which; my titling comes from a quote given by the baddy: which to me, far more represents what this film suggests ...
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