Review of Mr Inbetween

Mr Inbetween (2018–2021)
30 May 2021
Really thrown by all the highly positive reviews. While it's not an inherently terrible show, it's not particularly anything special either. In fact this show can be best summed up as POINTLESS.

I just watched the entire first season and like some of the other critical reviews have stated, by the third episode I found myself checking and scrolling through my phone. The production value is pretty decent and it's shot fairly well, I have no complaints there, but what my biggest issue with the show is there doesn't seem to be an actual plot to the entire series. In fact the writing is kind of all over the place. Things just kinda happen and there is no build up. We just get plopped right in and there's no explanation or I stated before, it's completely pointless.

We watch the "protagonist" Ray go about his daily life, sharing custody of his daughter, trying to get back into the dating scene, and looking out for his best friend, really looking out for him and going the extra mile for him too. Why? We don't know. There is never any backstory given for their friendship, but it's clearly a rock solid one since Ray is willing to dismember Gary's scumbag brother-in-law for him with a simple text message request for "HELQ."

What's Ray's most basic motivations or desires? We don't know. What does he want to accomplish in his life? We don't know. What will his character arc be? We don't know. And we don't know because we are never told anything...moreover what is the plot? We, once again, don't know! What is the problem or dilemma? WE DON'T KNOW! Who is the antagonist??? WE DON'T F'N KNOW!!! Sure there were some funny bits here and there, but it's such an absurdly pointless show!!!

Doing a bit of light research I see this series was inspired/a continuation of Scott Ryan's prior work "The Magician" which is a mockumentary about the same hit man character, Ray. I'm assuming this series follows in the same vain, so if the main point of the show is to watch him go about his daily, mostly mundane, routine then mission accomplished. If you're looking for a basic narrative or decent writing that tells a story with a clear thought out plan then you won't find it here. The last episode of the first season takes the cake though with it relying heavily on coincidences and hypothetical scenarios to work out perfectly in Ray's favor...and lo and behold it does!!!

I'm actually shocked to see this show was picked up by FX and has earned 3...yes, THREE SEASONS. With a show as pointless as this it should have been a one and done. I certainly won't be sticking around to see how the rest of the seasons pan out. It'd be pointless to do so.

My final rating 3/10.

Maybe I'm being a bit too harsh with the score, but it's bewildering to see so many 8s and 9s out there that I need to try to even the score out. Also this show should be renamed "Mr. POINTLESS."
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