The Patsy (1928)
Rich People have nothing better to do than to practice for . . .
13 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . the Synchronized Soup Slurping event in the quadrennial Gluttonous Gourmet Games. These malingering miscreant money hoarders and fat cat feather-wetters would be best served carved up and doled out like peacock under glass, THE PATSY suggests. Such lazy do-nothings deserve to be evicted, after which their mansions and castles should be fumigated and divvied up as safe havens for the homeless, THE PATSY adds. This film argues that these loathsome Blue Book leeches damage our USA Homeland more than 400 obese rats overrunning a city dump. As pictured here, the worthless wealthy stomp around on the dance floor like a herd of drunken elephants, and infest the public waterways as a pollution of bullheads wallowing in the bottom muck. THE PATSY's snooty snobs are way too stupid to avoid Great Depressions, World Wars, Perilous Pandemics and Global Warming. As the Good Book says, "The accumulation of Wealth is the Root of All Evil." THE PATSY voices the urgent need to "fix" the Rich otherwise capable of reproducing, so they cannot foist off their inhumane anti-social genetic mutations upon subsequent generations.
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