A Searing Account Of Human Injustice & International Indifference
16 June 2021
Nominated for Best International Feature Film at the last Oscars, Quo vadis, Aida follows a UN translator's plight to save her family from imminent death in the wake of Bosnian War and also covers the events that led to the Srebrenica massacre. A powerful, heartbreaking & devastating account of human injustice & global apathy, this Bosnian war drama is one of the best films of its year.

Written & directed by Jasmila Zbanic, the drama centres around a fictional family in the middle of a real-life conflict but through their predicament, it effectively captures the utter despair & helplessness the refugees faced, not only from their persecutors but also from their supposed saviours. Zbanic lays bare the grave incompetence of United Nations whose lack of action only ended up enabling the wholesale killings.

Zbanic makes sure the family the story focuses on looks & feels as real & authentic as possible, and the drama she conjures around them is compelling throughout. It's disturbing to watch UN delegates failing to do the one thing their organisation exists for and how they simply stood aside as mere spectators after letting the fox into the henhouse. Jasna Duricic leads from the front with an outstanding performance and she is strongly supported by the rest.

Overall, Quo vadis, Aida is a brutal, harrowing & profoundly upsetting example of its genre that provides a scorching account of the lifetime of pain & trauma that warfare leaves behind and also exposes the failure & indifference of the international council that indirectly pave the way for such atrocities. Bringing the horrors of Srebrenica to screen with cut-throat intensity and leaving us shattered with its gut-punching finale, this Bosnian war film is essential viewing by all means. In a word, unforgettable!
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