Rest in Peace Rick and Morty
16 June 2021
None of the problems from season 3 are fixed here. The science is still convoluted, cringier humor, Rick is still way too powerful, and the characters (Morty and Summer especially) continue to get progressively worse. No sign of Evil Morty here which has me worried if they abandoned him entirely, which I hope is not the case. The family seems to be a lot more hateful of each other and not a lot of the wholesome moments that were there in seasons 1 and 2 are to be found either.

And that's not all, this season somehow manages to be worse than the previous one. Rick is not only an untouchable God who can overcome anything, he's also missing some of the depth he had in previous seasons. Now he is one of those unlikeable jerks who are jerks to be jerks and it's not funny. He does however get a couple of deep scenes involving him in the toilet episode and the space Beth episode but not as much as say, season 2.

I'm giving this a 5 because like I said, there is some more depth added to Rick and a couple of funny episodes. Please Season 5, please be better this time around.
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