Review of Fast Company

Fast Company (1938)
The main objective of this film COULD have been to focus . . .
25 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . the spotlight of American Empathy upon the Heartbreak of Hemorrhoids. Lead character Joel spends most of FAST COMPANY slowly limping around with a tell-tale butt "donut" in tow, telegraphing to the World that he's suffering from a delicate, damaged derriere. Joel discovers that it is pretty tough to solve multiple murders when your backside is killing you. While this would-be hero is stymied to a crawl by his faulty rear end, it's up to his wife to save his bacon more than once. Finally, his better half gets so exasperated that she murmurs "Oh, Honey--let ME be your donut!" Squeaky wheels may get the grease, but Joel gets Preparation D, turning a medical drama into a cheap joke.
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