The Watch (2020–2021)
0ver 10 years on this site, never made a review until now...
28 June 2021
TLDR - worth a chance if you have an interest, ignore the bad reviews and decide for yourself.

Seeing these reviews makes me cringe to be a Discworld fan. 1/10,1/10,1/10 its disgusting and I finally made an account just to balance this out. I also have read all the books several times. And yes a lot has changed in this adaptation. Which is what it is, and adaptation. Some of the skeleton of the books is there, a few characters, guilds etc. But the guys decided to do their own thing with it. They took some pretty big swings, and maybe some pretty big misses along with it but overall i enjoyed it enough, had a few laughs. I was just happy, as a fan, to see anything Pratchett related being worked on. If you really couldn't stand it that's ok, but 1 star ratings? That's just not honest and elitism in my view and a deliberate attempt to get something cancelled because it wasn't exactly what they wanted.

I loved the Sky adaptations and they were perfectly cast imo. The cast for some of the characters in The Watch I thought was also great, Carrot and Vimes particularly, even the very changed character of Cheery was played very well. The characters of Nobbs and Colon were sorely missed I won't lie and the casting of Lady Sybil was not well done.

Every episode has at least a few nods to the books or memorable quotes, such as Vimes talking about rich people and shoes. I will admit the differences can be a little jarring, but once you accept them it's really an alright show and worth a watch past the first couple of episodes if you love discworld as much as I do. If you are new to the world, then if this is your first experience of Pratchetts work then I would beg you to read the books which are far superior and funnier. Maybe this show will introduce a wave of new people to the books.

** FYI just because they put an actor in eyeliner does not mean they are ripping off Jack Sparrow :') there are no similarities between the characters other than they put eyeliner on a man.
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