Soul Men (2008)
Mac and Jackson Were a Fantastic Duo
30 June 2021
Wow. Who knew that before the release of this film we would lose both Isaac Hayes and Bernie Mac in August of the same year, one day apart! Bernie on August 9, 2008 and Isaac on August 10, 2008.

"Soul Men" didn't feature Isaac Hayes but a little, it was truly about Louis Hinds (Samuel L. Jackson) and Floyd Henderson (Bernie Mac), two old school legends who lit up the charts back in the 60's and 70's with a group called The Real Deal. Sometime in the early 70's they broke up and went separate ways. The lead singer of the group, Marcus Hooks (John Legend), went on to be a solo star, Floyd went on to open a successful car wash business, and Louis went on to be hooked on drugs and alcohol and rob a bank.

When Marcus (Legend) died and VH1 wanted to do a tribute to him, they called upon the surviving two members of The Real Deal. Floyd (Mac) was ready and willing whereas Louis (SLJ) wanted no part of it. Through coaxing, cajoling, and pretty much bribery, Floyd got Louis to agree to go to New York's Apollo Theater for the tribute.

If it wasn't already a funny movie, it certainly got funnier when Mac and Jackson got together MF'ing their way through a road trip. No one can MF like SLJ, but Mac certainly gave him a run for his money. This movie was genuinely entertaining and funny, I'm just saddened that I won't be able to see Mac and Jackson together again.
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