Tom and Jerry Tales (2006–2009)
I used to like it as a kid, but I hate it now
11 July 2021
I just re-watched Tom & Jerry Tales when it was coming on TV, and oh my God it was so horrible! I can't see how anyone could have approved that atrocity. It seems as though they only wanted to sell off their ideas under a big label so that kids can watch them.

This show has completely massacred Tom & Jerry in many ways.

1. The background music is underwhelming, and does not add to its comedy the way it used to do. It's also very repetitive.

2. Jerry's voice is annoying. He sounds like a child. And he makes unnecessary sounds like "Ahhhhh", "Hmmmm", "Heeheehee" etc.

3. The jokes are either absent or unfunny. The idea behind Tom & Jerry's sense of humour was how random stuff used to happen, like turning into a table on being hit by an anvil, or how Jerry would dance like a tribal while cooking Tom. This one either does not do any such thing, or even if it does it's so much diluted it doesn't even seem funny. It's like they could have done this with any other cartoon and that would have been acceptable.

4. It's only for kids. That ruins the whole point of Tom & Jerry. This is Tom & Jerry not Mickey Mouse. It's meant to entertain people of all age groups. Sure you may say it's a kids show to attract kids to Tom & Jerry, but that's wasn't needed in the first place. If a show is entertaining for all the age groups obviously kids will be attracted to it. This is one place the current Tom & Jerry show has nailed it. It's for all age groups.

5. Jerry. Always. Wins. Period. Because of course, he's small and cute so he has to be the good guy. Unlike the actual Tom & Jerry where Tom was just messing with Jerry, here Tom has been shown as a bad guy. Of course there's that one episode where Jerry is outdone by an ant, but that's what they're showing - the smaller guy is always the good guy.

After watching this my respect for the ongoing Tom and Jerry Show has increased even more. It stayed true to its core and continues to carry a unique sense of humour forward.

Edit: So the latest review (2 above mine) says this: " Ive seen people complaining that Jerry always wins,and I'll ask to them:Have you ever seen the original series? That's part of the fun,the little prey beats big bad predator. And there's a whole episode(Little Big Mouse)that makes Jerry takes Tom's role to fight an ant."

Let me answer each sentence - Yes I have seen the original series. In the original series, Jerry beats Tom, Tom beats Jerry, Tom beats Butch, Butch beats Tom, Tom beats Spike, Spike beats Tom, both Tom and Jerry win, both Tom and Jerry lose. Every probability is taken into account. However, now I will ask you - can you name a single episode in this series where Tom won and Jerry lost, or where both lost and Spike won? No, right? Now you get my point.

The fun in Jerry beating Tom is NOT of the little prey beating the big bad predator. Both Tom and Jerry just play pranks at each other and mock each other playfully. Both torment each other, both laugh at each other, and both get their comeuppance. Neither is the good guy or the bad guy.

And finally about the Little Big Ant episode - I literally wrote that in my review. What part of "Of course there's that one episode where Jerry is outdone by an ant, but that's what they're showing - the smaller guy is always the good guy." do you not understand? But of course you will probably never see this reply, and the bots will keep tanking my review (yeah you thought I didn't notice the bots, how else are there so many helpful/unhelpful markings on so less number of reviews?), so I'm probably just talking to the walls.
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