Crashing Through the Snow (2021 TV Movie)
Delightfully differrent
11 July 2021
The very fact that the premise is so unlikely for any of the participants to actually go along with is the strength of this movie. What mom would agree to this? Even more so, what new girlfriend would create the invitation? So many people complain (including me) about Hallmark's lack of fresh stories - this one is different.

At first, Kate is too perfect. And Brooke Nevin handles this quite well and even more so as the cracks in her façade appear.

The self-deprecating, clumsy, insecure Maggie is right in Amy Acker's wheelhouse. Many of us first knew her as Angel's Winnifred, but Acker has since been so many other personalities. Hallmark has used her, twice I think, but I think they should do so even more going forward. Actually, Acker probably overdoes this role slightly, but this personality is important in the story, so it's not surprising she has to really sell it.

Yes, Angst. The situation is unlikely because it's awkward and full of angst, and all the main actors bring this out. The insecurity of a mother afraid of losing her daughters to a step mother. A possible step mother afraid of competing with the real mom for both her possible husband and the girls. An ex-husband and boyfriend caught in the middle trying to reconcile them all but making mistakes that only make things seem worse. Isn't all this realistic?

There is a little more depth in this story than the usual Hallmark Christmas movie. It's not quite up with Two Turtle Doves, or Holly & Ivy, but this movie isn't the same old fluff like so many we get between late October and the first of the year.

I liked that there were no villains. In so many movies where there is a rival girlfriend or rival boyfriend, that person is developed into a villain. Often, the writers turn that character at the end to make them into an understanding and forgiving person. I never like either trope. It doesn't feel natural. But there doesn't have to be a true romantic rival here and thus there doesn't have to be a villain. These are real people trying to do the best they can for themselves and for two young girls. It's true that Jeff is wrong in a few ways including blaming Maggie for the situation, but it's only because he too is trying to dig himself out of a mess, and everyone's first reaction to a mess is to find someone to blame.

I thought the ending was a hair anti-climatic so maybe not a perfect score for this movie.
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