Blood Red Sky (2021)
25 July 2021

How many airplane heist films are there?

Passenger 57, Air force 1, The Commuter, And possibly a lot more that I simply cannot remember (if you do post below) but what about if you mixed an airplane heist movie with vampires!

I know, sounds silly and why would you want to watch a silly film about vampires on a plane (not to be mixed up with the terrible Snakes on a plane)?

Simply because it is a damm good film, starts off slow but honestly give it a chance because it's well worth it especially when the lead high jacker..........(sorry no spoilers).

Joint German and English film so some dialogue will either be subtitles or dubbed if watching on Netflix.

I was pretty well surprised by this film especially the amazing acting of the lead actress, scary! And oh wow the look on her sons face when the sun is coming in through the side door just breaks your heart!

One to definitely give a try.

Rating 8 out of 10.
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