Amy Pond doesn't cut it
26 July 2021


Now I do try to keep abreast of new trailers when they come out so I can see what I want to watch and post a review, the trailer for this was literally released only about 2 weeks prior to the film being released, now I'm going to guess here why?


The film in itself is a great film with a lot of art noir thrown in which I love, the female leads are excellent, the action especially the slow motion sequence at the end wow but honestly the script sucks fudge and as for Amy Pond nooooooooo!

She doesn't do it as a lead, in her various outings as Gamora or in the Jumanji franchise she is the co star which works but as the lead to hang what should and could have been an excellent film doesn't work.

She's great at a cyborg but portraying a human lead, noooo sorry she simply can't act and this spoilt the entire film for me, cringing whenever I heard the accient.

Rating 5 out of 10.
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