Review of Old

Old (2021)
30 minutes = 1 year
26 July 2021

Interesting film this, I'll say right from the start I do enjoy films with new ideas as so many films these days are just revamped versions of others or modern remakes.

OLD however is different, image ageing 1 year every 30 minutes, ageing 60 years in 30 hours for example.

This is the premace for this film but actually I found it far more, one line in particular, "Do you think everyone our age feels as young as us" which is true.

I am a true believer that you are as OLD as you feel.

In essence us humans are / can be quite frail, especially if we are experiencing a health issue, but what if the health condition which could take years to develop develops in a couple of hours!

Silly in places, slow in others with an interesting twist at the end, watch this for what it is, a true exposure of us humans and how we cope with illness of us and those around us.

Rating 7 out of 10.
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