Review of Estoy vivo

Estoy vivo (2017– )
Supernatural and sensitive series with emotion , thrills , action , love stories and state-of-art special effects
30 July 2021
Nice series produced by Globomedia and RTVE dealing with an unfortunate cop named Andrés Vargas (Roberto Álamo) , as he dies chasing a serial killer nicknamed El Carnicero or The Butcher (Mon Ceballos) , a psychopath who has already killed five women and is reincarnated in another policeman in the body of Manuel Márquez (Javier Gutiérrez), five years later , granted immortality in exchange of never revealing his true identity . As Vargas will have the opportunity to return to life, but five years later and another police officer . But he will not be alone in his return to the world of the living , El Enlace (Alejo Sauras) will be his companion in these special circumstances. In his efforts to stop the Midnight Butcher, both of whom join forces to track him down. Nowadays , Márquez will have as a partner Susana Vargas (Anna Castillo), his daughter, who has become a young police officer and he must protect her.

In the second season, Márquez, El Enlace or The Link , Sebas and the entire police station will have to face a very influential and powerful figure in the economic sector , Augusto Mendieta , who keeps a secret that has to do with his heart, with the Victoria Building and with the Link itself. On the other hand, Márquez and El Enlace must help a little girl who is looking for her family and who is from the time of the Spanish civil war . Also , it will be seen who is the winner of the battle between good and evil once and for all . In Season 3 concerns a traffic accident that changes the rules in the life of the Vargas family. Apparently, everything indicates that the person responsible for this accident is a mysterious blonde woman who has arrived on Earth with a clear objective and has Susana Vargas in her sights. Márquez, Sebas and the Link or Enlace must discover what this woman's true purpose is and stop her before she endangers the inhabitants of Vallecas and around the world. On the other hand, the earthlings of Vallecas are invaded by beings from another planet whose reason for her arrival and her true intentions are unknown . In the Season 4 it all starts with a global blackout that also affects the Catwalk or La Pasarela . At that time Iago is on Earth to play a soccer game and Susana and Adriana are affected by said blackout when they are on the Catwalk. As a result of the blackout , a bus heading to Almería falls victim to it and the members of the vehicle disappear . The Avengers of Vallecas must investigate this event that will lead them to discover the existence of a new organization called La Hermandad that may endanger the existence of La Pasarela .

This enjoyable series deals with a very special relationship taking place between two supernatural beings : Marquez and Enlace and together they will face an ominous murderer who returns to act five years later. As well as the relation of these characters with the kind family formed by Anna Castillo , Cristina Plazas , Lucía Caraballo . Stars Javier Gutierrez giving a very fine acting as a police inspector who dies chasing the Midnight Butcher , reincarnated policeman who attempts to guard his beloved family . Along with Alejo Sauras as the sympathetic Enlace , appearing Anna Castillo as the beautiful young police Susana Vargas Bertrán , Cristina Plazas as the affectionate wife Laura Bertrán , Lucía Caraballo as the troubled daughter , Zorión Eguileor as the good-tempered grandfather , Fele Martinez as chief Inspector of dark past , Alfonso Bassave as the tough Inspector who becomes involved in loving relation with Susana , Jesús Castejón as the good-tempered "Sebas" , Goizalde Núñez as a likeable forensic , Aitana Sánchez-Gijón as Chief Inspector Verónica Ruiz , among others. The series well created and produced by Daniel Ecija. Being competently directed by professional filmmakers as Jesús Rodrigo , Luis Oliveros , Oriol Ferrer , David Molina Encinas , Antonio Díaz Huerta, Lucas Gil , Miguel Alcantud.
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