Casualty 1907 (2008)
A Historically and Factual Account of a London Voluntary Hospital
15 August 2021
I know the history of what is now the Royal London Hospital very well, but I admit to learning a bit more through this excellent series. I would recommend this for anyone interested to learn how it was before the advent of antibiotics, blood transfusions and vaccinations against disease. It is also an in-your-face story of how hospitals were run prior to the NHS and how much they depended on ordinary people for their very existence. The filth, the idealism, dedication and challenges thrown at these wonderful men and women shows how strong a nurse, doctor or even radiographer had to be in those days. Whilst some of this series makes for very hard viewing, it will also make you thankful we have such a wonderful NHS. If viewers are interested, the book 'The London: A Study in the Voluntary Hospital System" is available from the Royal London Hospital Shop.
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