Black Hearted Killer (2020 TV Movie)
Juley: One of the dumbest protags of 2020 Lifetime.
22 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Here we go again with a lead protag being naive and gullible. I just started this movie, so it remains to be seen if she's a gullible one that also gets people killed. A few things as I'm watching:

That very nice and very large house doesn't have a downstairs powder room? Oh that's else would Vera snoop? Then she completely oversteps and goes into the daughter's room...and no one calls her on it. No one thought to verify that this is in fact the heart recipient? Jules offers her a job? You've known her for five minutes. But of course her cautious and skeptical husband is the insensitive and wrong one. He wisely mentions that she never mentioned why she needed a heart transplant and his dumb wife hand waves it away. If this movie continues like this, I might not make it to the end. The wife is already too stupid.

Vera steals from the dead daughter's room..."returns" the item along with a clearly manipulative story and this idiot decides her dead daughter would want the thief who invaded her space to have the item. It's obvious (bc it's Lifetime) that the dumbness is just getting started but I'm already annoyed. OMG...Juley is now paying her medical expenses? I feel for her husband but Juley, in the words of the oh so eloquent Arthur Fleck, is going to get what she deserves. I'm sure hospitals facilitate donors meeting recipients so wouldn't they have been involved in this somehow? I would think there'd be a liability factor if they gave either party contact info and everything went left. This movie is so silly and it's been 30 minutes.

This movie's "twist" was exactly as I expected. Was there any other option? I know we have to accept certain things in these movies, but do these characters have to be so empty-headed for anything to have drama and suspense? It's like they put forth the least amount of effort just to keep churning these movies out. There's another Lifetime movie re: a stolen identity called Dying to Be You that's soooo much better than this. The storyline is mostly different, but the way they deal with a person who isn't who they say they are was done better and it more naturally shows how a person could be fooled.

Another thing that doesn't make sense, and this goes for a lot of Lifetime movies...these people are not superhuman do they manage to lurk and stalk so many people? Are they omnipresent? Omniscient? How would Riley have known about Sugar? Also, they constantly want us to believe these tiny women can overpower any and everyone. It's ridiculous Lifetime and no one buys it.

The other somewhat odd "twist" of this movie is that for the cause of the accident to be what it was...there seems to be no tension related to that btwn Juley and Dennis after only six months. What mother knows her teenager is driving, yet texts her over and over and actually tells her to hurry up. It's just strange that the circumstances of the accident did not cause any problems within their marriage. I am glad that it didn't take the entire movie to realize what was going on, but at the same time, once they figured out who she was, it was a foregone conclusion that she was dangerous, so the murdering and the exposition on how deranged she is was a drag. I was ready for the confrontation. Also, by the time she does start killing people, why not show her face? We know it's her....?? Ugh, spitting is so gross.

Pretty abrupt ending to the climax so I guess the budget ran out. I think a nice touch would have been Dennis and Juley at Madison's grave with a fade to black. Honestly, I'm just glad the husband (the only sane character) didn't die. He's a very supportive husband. It's also not lost on me that Juley didn't apologize to him for inviting the psycho into their lives. This movie would have been better if Vera/Riley's "plans" were more subtle and more psychological. They could have played up the mother's guilt and that could have driven a wedge btwn the couple while Vera/Riley wreaked havoc and revenge before the discovery of who she was. C'est la vie.

I finished the movie, so 5/10 stars for that. Edit: I will say that the scene with the actual recipient and her family was nicely done. Juxtaposition is very rare in these movies, but it needed the contrast of the lies with the truth.
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