Review of Psychos

Psychos (2017)
It is what it is
23 August 2021
Lot of hate for this it seems, mostly justified. What you need to bear in mind though is that all involved are most likely hobbyists or budding film students with pocket money for a budget and going in watching it with high expectations is pretty dumb on your behalf. Points -

* Is it as bad as the rating suggests? Yeah, probably. Generally anything below 3 is a disaster area - I wouldn't quite slap that sticker on this though.

* Story and dialogue are incoherent - Well almost. Yeah the continuity and internal logic are somewhere in outer space, let alone in the ballpark. But the story does hold itself together enough for you to be able to predict the ending (done better repeatedly elsewhere) at about the half way mark, so "incoherent" is not entirely correct.

* They can't act or construct scenes - I agree, but at least the sound and video are fairly OK.

* The gore is laughable - Yes, but it is *micro*budget. It is laughable due to economics, not squeamishness. Not everyone can hire Olaf Ittenbach.

Seriously, if you don't expect anything from tripe like this in the first place, your life will be less painful. What I will say is I found this to be exactly what I needed to watch on my phone at 5am in bed with insomnia. Watched mindlessly in this state it is an acceptable distraction. There are plenty of other films that would just annoy the crap out of you in the same context. This didn't. It is what it is. Crap like this can be mildly enjoyable on occasion.
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