I wish they'd either made this a drama or a comedy....not some odd film in between.
24 August 2021
"Wrong is RIght" is a film that does seem to predict, in an odd way, the United States' involvement in the Middle East over the last two decades. For this reason, it's well worth seeing. However, the film has a problem....it doesn't seem to know if it's a comedy or an insightful drama.

The film stars Sean Connery as an investigative reporter who is generally more concerned with ratings and sensationalism than anything else. His job takes him to some fictional land in the Middle East and his travels put him in contact with a leader of one of these countries as well as an infamous terrorist leader. What he doesn't anticipate is thatt these two would forge an alliance...and buy nuclear weapons to spread terror against the United States. In addition, as he's useful to both sides, soon CIA, FBI and even the US President seek his coverage. What's next? See the film.

Some of the film is great....but it's undone with a few cartoonish characters, such as the nuke-crazy General Wombat (now THAT'S a stupid name) and a few cartoony moments. They also had no idea how grenades work...and they were more like cartoon grenades! This is sad, as so much of the film is brilliant and insightful...but it seemed pretty obvious the filmmakers weren't sure that sort of movie they were making. With a bit of editing, this could have been an exceptional film.
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