Back Fork (2019)
Made For TV Vibe-Never Good
27 August 2021
Um......why wasn't anyone who could actually act cast in this movie? It's a serious topic the film is dealing with, but went about it in such a clumsy manner that it was very difficult to sustain interest. Extremely poor acting and even worse dialogue drag this into the realm of outright idiocy. It's a case of people attempting to make film about a topic they have no experience with or useful information at hand. It's like watching a bunch of amateurs in their first role. Stand here. Say this. Look sad. C'mon.....very mundane. No chemistry between characters at all just the corny by the numbers most people interract or how the director/writer thinks people act. They got it way, way wrong. No drama or tension whatsoever. Terrible!! Justa bunch of losers doing loser stuff. You will get so sick of the word Babe you'll never want to hear it again. The music just makes it all so much worse. I can't stress how unwatchable this was.
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