Blood Pageant (2021)
I Hope Snoop Dogg Got a Nice Paycheck
31 August 2021
This is so absolutely inept, poorly made, amateurish and annoying that it's unfair to label it as a film. I can only imagine they spent their budget on Snoop Dogg's cameo, (or somehow 'Bowfinger-ed' him into the film), and everyone else worked for free. There's a few actors trying hard, but the direction so absent, the cinematography so stale, and a story so nonsensical - this isn't even "fun" bad... it's just bad. And kind of depressing.

And then it slowly becomes frighteningly apparent this isn't a normal horror movie - it's "faith based." It's a non-horror horror film, where any scares or laughs are lost to nonsensical monologues about the power of Jesus. It's almost as if Jesus' PR team paid for product placement throughout the film.

Not all faith based, or Christian films are bad, (The Exorcist, The Mission, Constantine are all different, unique, compelling and entertaining), but this one definitely is. For both the faithful and non-faithful this is nothing but a weird, confusing and boring exercise in formulaic filmmaking with zero creativity, intellect or sense of humour.
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