Review of Skins

Skins (2011)
Should NOT have been attempted
11 September 2021
I remember when this first came out. I hadn't seen the original skins yet and I remember thinking to myself that I bet people would be upset. When I heard it was a remake of a British show that was about teens and controversial I figured that it would be watered down but I will admit I planned to watch as soon as I saw the commercial. I was around 18 and just the age group they were hoping to attract. But I wanted to dive into the original first because I just knew an American version would be way tamer. And for once the hype was true the original was freaking awesome and very realistic. And there is tons of drugs and sex and nudity but i think that being exposed to stuff makes you more mature about it. Anyway soon after I settled in for the American premiere. The 1st episode is basically a shot for shot remake except for 1 thing. In the original there is a gay male character named Maxi. Honestly he was one of my favorites. In the US version he's replaced by a pretty cheerleader lesbian. I think if you asked one of the writers or anyone affiliated with the show why they changed the character they'd probably say something like "lesbians aren't shown on teen shows and girl power blah." But in my opinion I believe that they felt Americans are more comfortable seeing very feminine lesbians (cheerleaders no less) have sex than males doing the same. And honestly in most cases(especially considering this was 10 yrs ago) it's true. Especially when it comes to males and even more true for males around the age the show is aimed at.

I know that may seem like a small change but it changes the plot significantly from the original. Since this show was canceled 10yrs ago I don't consider this a spoiler: In the original version Tony who is basically the main character is NOT a good guy in the 1st season at all. He's selfish and impulsive and will try anything if it feels good. He has a loyal girlfriend who cheats on constantly and she takes it. Then he sleeps with maxi to "try it." I had a feeling that wouldn't be in the US version but to change the characters sex changes everything. In the US version when him and his lesbian friend have sex it takes away the whole point. I felt like it showed how hedonistic and manipulative and almost sociopathic he is that he would basically change his sexual orientation and hurt EVERYONE involved because he was "bored" and wanted to try it." When it's a girl nothing is different for him and it pushes the idea that a lesbian can change for the right guy. I actually kept watching to see how it differed I was curious how the changes would affect the show and I was constantly amused how OUTRAGED parents were about the show. It was so watered down compared to the original but I knew it would happen. It got canceled after like 7 or 8 episodes cause all the sponsors pulled out because parents threatened to boycott. They said how this awful show would influence their kids to do drugs and have sex but I think the problem is they don't wanna know that this is what their kids are really doing and the show forces them to see it.
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