Review of June 9

June 9 (2008)
29 September 2021
June 9 is yet ANOTHER "found footage" movie that has the cliches piling up fast and overwhelmingly. This causes it to miss its target on multi-levels. I understand its probably an indie number, but it's like the film makers followed the "How to Make a Found Footage Movie" manual by rote. This made the plot very formulaic. I almost never cut a film short, always viewing them to the end out of respect for the effort of creativity put into it. But with June 9, I got bored half way through and was antsy for the rest of the flick to turn it off. I didn't, though.

The teenagers are also a classic cliche.falling into the "miscreant teens misbehave and disrespect.and meet their.comeuppance in the end" category. Apart from the two male leads, who come across as incredibly annoying, the acting on the part of the rest of the ensemble is plastic or wooden which makes it difficult to care FOR them or ABOUT them. Because the characters are two dimensional, the film makers fail to attach any mystery, malevolence or dread to the townspeople, as well. Everyone seemed to be going through the motions and not adding any spirit or substance to their performance.

The setting is also cliche. Small town in the middle of nowhere, not on the map, changes every X number of years. It's been done before ad infinitum.

All in all, June 9 is a flick you can skip, as there are better entries in the sub-genre.
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