Review of Schumacher

Schumacher (2021)
Two Faces/Phases
3 October 2021
Michael Schumacher - how well do you know him? Well if you say you don't really know him - the movie will change that. First things first though: if you are looking or expecting this to be focused on his current status ... well you will be dissapointed. This is a documentary about the man, the human and the sportsman ... his way to the top and his retirement/personal life.

Schumacher is one of those icons in Germany - but he also transcended that. He became an icon in the motorsport world. He made a lot of Italian (especially the Ferrari loving ones) happy. There is another documentary, that has a broader focus and has some of his rivals in it - though that documentary is about the motorworld in general, it can be a great companion piece to this.

I still have not seen the Senna documentary and I'll be the first to admit, I do not have a lot of knowledge when it comes to cars. Or the racing circuit for that matter. But this was more than that and it really dives into the many facets of Schumacher. Who he was when he raced and who he was as a private person. I like his private persona even more than the racing one. Although of course he became famous for the racing and his ultimate will to win ... his drive if you forgive the pun.

Really well made, let's everyone talk who knew Michael ... and while it has little to say about his current status ... I did not expect this to be that kind of movie/documentary anyway ...
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