First Lloyd Film on High Ledge
8 October 2021
Movie buffs mostly know of the iconic image of silent film comedian Harold Lloyd by his hanging from a clock high atop a skyscraper, seen in 1923's "Safety Last." The first sequence in his movie career showing him walking on a ledge of a tall multi-story building was in July 1920's "High And Dizzy."

Lloyd plays a friend of a home beer brewer who knows, with the Prohibition law against alcohol just enacted, he must get rid of his stock of beer. Lloyd and his friend quickly chug down the inventory, setting up a series of drunken capers that end up in the city's high rise hotel. The sequence showing Lloyd as he follows sleep walking Mildred Davis on the outside ledge still amazes viewers today, especially when the comedian grasps a trim to regain his balance, only to see that trim split from the building's facade.
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