Review of Katla

Katla (2021)
Iceland's stunning entry into scandi-noir.
17 October 2021
Ok. I admit it. I started watching this because I'm missing the volcano at Geldingaladur, which has gone sort of dormant after more than 6 months of checking on it every single day. Sometimes twice.


This is a really nice bit of moody, impressionistic sotto voce thriller, made extra claustrophobic and menacing via the multi-tonal greys of ice, sea, ash, and clouds, plus the ever-present low frequency sub-soundtrack of the constantly erupting volcano. It hooks you in with naked, ash and mud slathered impossibilities, and keeps you there with that tantalizing promise of questions answered (oh so slowly) and long-standing issues resolved (also oh so slowly). Isolation contributes to the ominous turns of events -- and I love how any time someone has to drive anywhere, it's almost like what roads still exist are ephemeral and shifting, like tidal sand bars or dunes.

There are other reviewers that complain that it's slow. Ever watched the agonizingly slow advance of a 10 meter thick layer of clinker with red hot lava beneath pushing it slowly over houses and roads? It's that kind of slow. Dreadful and mesmerizing.
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