Cheap, Amusing Comedy
26 October 2021
Super-efficient Dulcie Gray has walked out on her boss and would-be fiance, diamond merchant Michael Denison. She immediately walks into a smash-and-grab jewelry heist, and is taken along because she can identify the criminals. While she waits for Denison to pay attention to a clue she has set, Miss Gray goes about making the gang of thieves better human beings.

It's a mixed bag so far as being a well-run comedy goes, with some nice bits of humor, some forced nastiness on the part of Miss Gray, and a budget so cheap that some badly needed retakes were not shot; Bill Owens' character is addressed as "Joe" and "Jim" at various times. The director, Lawrence Huntington, throughout his career, showed talent and ambition, but being stuck in the quota quickies clearly hampered him. Still, it's a pleasant enough affair, with some fair comic stereotypes by Sidney Tafler, Charles Farrell (the British one), and Geraldine McEwan.
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