A bad remake
30 October 2021
I generally like to start reviews with the good things but to be honest this show other than introducing the general audience to the original has no other positive things going in it's favour.

When I saw the first episode of the French show I thought it would be fun to watch the bollywood version of that because of all the name dropping and other references we would get of bollywood that I completely missed out in the French version.

Not only did we not get any good bollywood references or inside jokes. This series even fails to mimic the emotions the original show was trying to portray.

Writing - We know the plot works as we've seen it work in the original show. So what fails here is the dialogues. The dialogues feel like literal translations of the English subtitles. Also the fact that the shows is dubbed later and the on set sound not used makes the dialogue feel unnatural.

Art - The set feels very fake. The lighting is not natural. The backdrop in the windows are clearly fake. Maybe I'm nitpicking too much but it bothered me atleast.

Actors - The curly haired assistant is the only one who worked for me honestly. Even though the cast is star packed the show fails to make an effect like the original did.

Direction - This is where the shows lacks the most. The one shots and the lack of cut aways instead of elevating the episode really ruins the important emotional points in the show. Also bollywood is synonymous with mumbai so not using mumbai in main scenes and just using them as transitions really lowers the quality of production.

TLDR; Non existant name dropping, bad art, bad dialogues and most importantly bad directing makes this show a very bad remake of a good show.
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