10/10 If it wasn't a Bond movie, but it is a Bond movie
1 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Now if this wasn't a Bond movie, this would be flat out a 10/10. The problem is, it is a Bond movie and i simply cannot rate it higher than 5 for that.

Now why is that? In itself, you get a great script, great action, great actors, great cinematography, great soundtrack, everything appears to be top notch. Judging this movie alone in itself, it is a great movie and you should absolutely watch it. As long as you don't expect it to be a Bond movie.

If you watch a horror movie, you want to get a bit frightened. If you watch a comedy, you want to laugh. Movies come with an expectation and a promise. If you make a movie, that simply does not deliver what it promises, you will disappoint your viewers.

Spoilers ahead!

Where does this movie break its promises:

  • JB is not a special agent, he is an old man coming out of retirement. Gives you the vibe of an old man's tale, not like watching a superhero special agent
  • The movie is making you sad, instead of giving you a feel good time like all the Bonds before
  • The movie is a closer to a tragedy, than to an action comedy
  • They kill Bond - this is not game of thrones, you do not go into bond movies wanting to worry about if he survives, these movies always have happy ends
  • They kill Felix Leiter
  • They are ok with showing the abduction of little childs
  • Bond is a Family man, many tears, many emotions
  • They drag the 007 joke with replacing him with a woman too far. We get it, women can also be strong super heroes, but it felt like they wanted to ride that horse to the death throughout the movie until he finally gets reinstated
  • Money Penny, who was developing as a key figure gets thrown back to the sideline with basically no screentime at all
  • They focussed a lot on the family drama and showing an emotional side
  • The movie doesn't have a happy end and ends in a tragedy. I get why they made that decision to end the Craig era, but it Bond floats away in a yacht at the end of movies, this simply leaves a sour taste

Now all these points are completely fine, if this wasn't a bond movie. Just rename him and make another type of spy movie, totally fine, would love to watch that. This just isn't Bond anymore, they took it too far. Yes, Bond stayed at the top because the movies managed to capture the spirit of their time, adjusting to different social environments, but they always stayed true to their core. This movie just throws too much overboard to still be called a Bond movie.

It appears that with Daniel Craigs screen death, the James Bond era has also ended. Goodbye and thank you for the good times Mr. Bond. From now on you simply have no idea what to expect from a Bond movie, the brand has basically ended. What will the next Bond be like? Will it be a sad tragedy? Will it be a super hero spy movie? Will he simply die from time to time? Who knows .... they tore down their own brand they had built up over decades.
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