Mannix: Harvest of Death (1972)
Season 6, Episode 10
Has almost every cliché imaginable
16 November 2021
In this one, Joe is hired by a crop duster to investigate the disappearance of two other crop dusters.

This is yet another episode set in a small town and it has all of the worn out and aggravating clichés that go along with it and have been seen many times before - the town is hiding some kind of secret and the sheriff is nasty and corrupt and arrests Joe on phony charges and then tries to run him out of town. If that wasn't bad enough, Joe gets clobbered over the head again and shot at but not hit, so two additional clichés for good measure. All of it is very tedious and unimpressive.

The Clint Carpenter character (played by Sean Garrison) has a bad attitude throughout and the idea that Joe would continue working for him with his attitude is not credible. Also not credible is the motive provided at the end for the disappearance of the two crop dusters.

The Sheriff Simkins character (played by Henry Beckman) is way over-the-top and is absolutely revolting.

This is a very depressing episode with very little action and clichés everywhere. It's easily the worst episode of the season so far.
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