Mannix: Lost Sunday (1972)
Season 6, Episode 12
Another small-town setting with all the usual clichés
17 November 2021
In this one, a guy is accused of killing another guy at a quarry but his girlfriend believes he's innocent and hires Joe to look into it. It takes place somewhere in northern California, so it continues the obvious trend this season of episodes taking place outside of Los Angeles.

There are all kinds of problems in this one, with the first being why doesn't the family put this nut in a mental hospital? Why do they allow him to go out every week and start shooting? Then there's the obvious contradiction where the family says the guy doesn't like guns but yet he's going out every week and shooting them. This exact same contradiction was seen in the season three episode A Chance at the Roses and was a major problem then and is again here.

Then in the fight scene in the quarry, when Joe falls down the stairs, it's inexplicably shown in slow motion, which not only ruins the excitement of the scene but also means you can clearly tell it's a stuntman going down the stairs, so just a bad decision all around by the producers.

This one has almost all of the clichés in the book. Joe gets clobbered in the head and shot at but not hit, the small-town police department is corrupt and hiding a secret and throws Joe in jail on phony charges and the big honcho in town buys off the county officials to keep quiet about his son. It's all recycled material that has been seen an endless number of times before.

It's also obvious who the killers are since they're revealed in the opening scene, so there's no mystery or suspense here.

The action consists of a fight scene in the jail and a brief fight scene at the end.

There's nothing original here. It's all just rehashed plot elements and clichés. This is a major flop.
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